The Situation of Ummah & Our Pledge (Jan 2024)

– Ahsan Azeez

The conditions of the country are going towards extreme depression and ruin. The economy is in crisis. Public and semi-public institutions are being sold like private property. The political situation is also not hidden, where only one party looks to be prevalent in the country. Everywhere, the bought slaves of the same party are using their influence to create an air about the party. The opposition, which plays a very important role in democracy and secular government, that keeps the incumbent government in check and questions the policies of the ruling government, which plays the role of whistle blowing and making revelations about the hidden wrongdoings of the government and makes them answer in front of the people, is becoming more and more irrelevant each passing day. Now only the principle of power works, which is issued on the basis of Saam (Persuasion), Daam (Temptation), Dand (Punishment), Bhed (Division). The results of the elections held in different states of the country have exposed the mentality being nurtured and the Qur’anic warning of ‘Al Kufru Millatun Wahida’ (Disbelief is one Nation) has again become clear. However, if we and our leaders remain ignorant of the Qur’anic insight, then the battle for our existence in India will be dire, as Maulana Maududi has predicted in his sermon of Madras.

Santa Claus Rally may hit markets early as BJP storms to power in Hindi Heartland | Business Insider India

India is slowly moving towards a single-party dominated nation with opposition becoming more and more irrelevant by the day

The global situation is also not hidden from anyone. The war of disbelief and Islam is being fought in every region of the world. Somewhere in the intellectual field and somewhere in the military field.  When the leaders of falsehood are defeated in the intellectual field, they impose a military war, and when they are defeated in the military field, they impose an intellectual war. Hence, the Nation of Islam is fighting on both fronts. The war between Gaza and Israel is still at its peak. On the one hand, there is an organized army, rich in material resources and equipped with strong intelligence and modern weapons. And on the other hand, the people withstanding this assault doesn’t have much material resources but have power of faith and belief on Allah!! These are fighters who do not fear anyone except God, who fight with their trust in God alone. On the one hand there are Zionists who’ve oppressed the whole world through their cunning tricks, on whose side stands the entire hostile block of Islam, fighting them are those who see through the insights from Allah. They are sending a message to the world that the war will not stop until the supremacy of the Word of Truth is established and the tyrannical Zionist domination has ended. They are those who respected Islamic traditions in every field of peace and war and set examples that are hard to find in today’s world. Even in the media war propagated by Israel, the Gazans have embarrassed them and now the ground operation is being fought in the form of guerilla war, in which the Bravehearts of Gaza are also the leaders. On the one hand there is an endless series of martyrdoms and on the other hand there is the love of the Jews for their lives. The endless sequence of thousands of sacrifices has heated up the issue of Palestine once again. The killing of children, the elderly and women, thousands of bodies buried in the rubble, the smell of gunpowder spreading everywhere, mutilated bodies seen scattered on the streets. All these are the scenes that a soft-hearted person will surely be overwhelmed after seeing. But still, despite so many sacrifices and carrying so many dead bodies, the satanic gangs could not break the will of Gaza, its determination and morale. They did not deviate from their goal and did not shy away from the struggle to recover the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Palestine Letter: Jenin and the growing resistance – Mondoweiss

The stories of resistance from Gaza have been soul-stirring and gut-wrenching

Greetings to you Oh Gaza!!! On thousands of your brothers who have drowned themselves in blood and proved that the people of Palestine will continue to sacrifice their lives to save Al-Aqsa Mosque. In the recent times, we have not seen a more gruesome mass-murder, and we have also not seen and read such stories of perseverance, steadfastness, and sacrifice. Today, the preservation of Al-Aqsa Mosque is the duty of the whole Ummah. One such duty remains for the Muslims of India even today in the form of Babri Masjid. Let us pledge today that we consider every war of the Nation of Islam as our war and devote all our efforts to the cause our faith demands. Make ourselves mentally strong, build our relationship with our Lord on a strong foundation that apart from the one who’s the most Merciful, we have no need for anyone else’s help.

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The Milestone
Articles: 109

One comment

  1. Beshak it’s a very clear article about the battle of islam is going on and we have to get more closer to Allah

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