Yaum ul Furqan: The Battle of Badr

– Dr. Farrukh Adnan

573 years after Jesus’s ascension, Allah Almighty sent His last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) in the Arab land for the guidance of whole humanity. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent primarily for leading humanity out of the darkness of polytheism towards the light of monotheism and abandon all the evils which had utterly relegated the human life and society. After inviting the Makkan people to Islam for 13 years, the Prophet (PBUH) had to migrate to Madinah as it became more challenging for the Prophet to spread Islam in Makkah by the passing day. Migration also facilitated security, place and ample opportunity for the spread of Islam, which proliferated the worries of disbelievers that this new religion has to be abolished as soon as possible, lest it hit their ancestral religion. They were actually witnessing the tribes around Madinah converting to Islam except a few. They had to hold their horses back as the trade caravans from Makkah to Syria passed through Madinah, and they were afraid that if they attacked the Muslims of Madinah, their Syrian trade, which was the backbone of their economy would bear the collateral damage.

The Battle of Badr

‘Badr’, the ground where the battle took place, is located 130 km from the city of Madinah

Background of the Battle:

In the year 2 AH, a Syria bound trade caravan from Mecca under the command of Abu Sufyan was about to pass by Madinah, this caravan contained valuable goods of Makkan chiefs and traders. Abu Sufyan feared that the people of Madinah might attack the caravan, so he sent some men to Makkah to inform that the caravan was at a risk of being looted by the Muslims and they should come for help. This was a matter of crucial business interest and national pride at the same time for the disbelievers of Makkah, so the great chiefs of Makkah also came forward for this help and they all agreed that it was time to invade Madinah and set out with all the weapons and war preparations.

Conditions of the Believers before the Battle:

On receiving the news of trade caravan and the upcoming threat of Makkan Invasion, Prophet sought the advice of Ansar and Muhajireen. Hazrat Miqdad (R.A.) from the Muhajireen and Hazrat Saad (R.A.) from the Ansar these two companions replied to the Prophet (PBUH) with complete satisfaction that, “They believe in the Prophet (PBUH) and now wherever the Prophet turns them, they are ready to turn and take them wherever the Lord commands them.Regarding the incident before the battle of Badr, Allah says in Surah Anfal “They were arguing with you about this right, even though it was very clear. It was as if they were being driven to death.” (8:6) There was a group of believers wishing to opt for plundering the caravan as there was lesser risk of loss but, on the other hand, there were others who thought about the disbelievers of Makkah who had left their houses eagerly to invade Madinah. For the other group it was as if they were facing death because these believers had no resources and preparation. With Allah’s help and support and the power of faith, they cut off the roots of the disbelievers so that no other group would dare to oppress the Muslims and turn them away from the new religion and other nations witnessed that this religion has come to be enlightened, not to fade away.

Preparation of Muslims:

On the 12th of Ramadan, 2 AH Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with a small group of believers left Madinah, and reached Al Badr on the 16th of Ramadan, and remained encamped. Situation appeared to be gravely challenging as fasting had been made obligatory in the recent past and they had to fight in the month of Ramadan against an army well equipped and outnumbering them.

6 Facts About the Battle of Badr - IlmFeed

Angels were descended from the heavens to help Muslims fight the battle

Special Grace of Almighty:

Muslim army were sinking in the land as it was sandy, but by the night Allah did special favors and it poured that night which made the sandy ground a little harder and small ponds came into existence from which the believers performed ablution and ghusl. On the morning of the battle, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prayed that O Allah! Those Quraysh have come with their arrogance to prove your Messenger a liar. O Allah! Just let the help you promised me come. O Allah! If only a handful of these people perished today, nobody would be left to worship you on this earth.

The Battle:

Onset of battle saw the overconfident infidels stepping up their efforts whereas the help of Allah and reliance on Him alone was the bedrock of believer’s confidence and strength. The meager army of 313 outweighed the huge infidel army of 1000 militants and they were whitewashed. Seventy infidels were killed and nearly the same number were taken as prisoners while 6 Muhajirs and 8 Ansars attained martyrdom.

Lesson from the Battle:

  1. Allah had thwarted the attempt of the disbelievers to destroy the religion of Allah and exposed the veil of truth and falsehood.
  2. Allah fulfilled His promise to his Messenger and gave him one of the two groups.
  3. Believers fight by trusting Allah and the disbeliever fights trusting means and resources.
    Kafir hai to shamshir par karta hai bharosa, Momin hai to be taig bhi ladta hai sipahi
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