So That you May Proclaim the Supremacy of Allah

While Fasting is the best way to gain taqwa of Allah(SWT), to boost one’s belief, to nurture the spirit and faith, to strengthen one’s connection with God, and to purify one’s self; It  is also a beautiful opportunity to express  gratitude for Allah’s guidance, blessings bestowed by Allah and to express His Supremacy, as He commanded:

لتكبروا الله على ما هداكم

“Glorify Allah for the  guidance.”

That is  explain the guidelines,  instructions, and system of life given by Him. And what is that guidance and system is explained in the second verse of this surah:

ذٰلِكَ الْكِتٰبُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ فِيْهِ  ۛ ھُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِيْنَ ۞

“This is the Book of Allah: there is no doubt about it. It is guidance to God fearing people.”

That is, the Qur’an is the guidance of Allah Almighty. And Ramadhan is the best opportunity to express His Supremacy or the best training to prepare for proclaiming His supremacy.

What does it mean to glorify Allah? Is it only to telling gratefulness for his guidance and utter the guidance of Allah with the tongue? Mention this guidance in our narrow circle?  No! Rather, present it to the world. To make this guidance the system of life,  prevail over this world, so that its Supremacy may be expressed  and the whole world must follow this system of life.Whether it is to solve the complexities of social life or to curb economic inequalities in the society, to correct the political system for the protection of human life, property, honor and dignity or to punish those who disturb law and order. Must be in the light of this divine guidance.All these matters are included in proclaiming the Supremacy of Allah.

When we look at the commands given in Ramadhan, we see the signs of Allah’s Supremacy everywhere. We start fasting when we see the moon. Here we are bound by the command of Allah alone. No organization or committee, even the highest person of a party, can  neither order us to fast, nor can we be bound by it. We start fasting by the command of Allah and in breaking the fast we are bound by His order. From Sehri to Iftar, Allah’s system prevails over us. The feeling of Allah’s Supremacy remains awake. Under no circumstances do we take a sip of water or a morsel of food down our throats, do not go to our wives, do not commit adultery, try our best to avoid sins, at night, before Him, we narrate His Supremacy, we listen to the guidance which we have been commanded to exalt with all our heart. By His command we woke up in the last odd nights of Ramadhan to gain His blessings and protection and at the end of it we celebrate one day Eid, which is the day of reward those who were bound by its rules. On this day only His takbeer and His Supremacy is proclaimed. Not once or twice but exclusively and severally  His takbeer is raised in the skies with “اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر لا الہ الا اللہ واللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر وللہ الحمدThis means that at all times and in every moment and everywhere there is entirely the supremacy of Allah,Glory  is just for His and this is the naked truth.

Today, as our country is rapidly moving towards saffronisation; Responsibility of the sincere people of this Ummah,  who are not at all satisfied with the present false system and do not like to accept any of its colors, and are ready to work hard to get rid of this system, becomes double. Let us be determined to proclaim the supremacy of Allah, His guidance as the system and  constitution of mankind.Take advantage of these blessed moments of Ramadhan to purify our souls as well as breathe into the Ummah that if there is a system, it is the Qur’an, if there is a constitution then it is the Qur’an, and if there is a law then it is the Qur’an!!!

Just get out of the trap of despair and of false hopes, and face the real world. Be assured that  a ray of light appears in this gloomy darkness and growth appears in the thirsty soil, it is only by doing something productive. This is how we act that makes our lives; We can make it heaven, we can make it hell. If we will be the first drop of rain,  how long will it take for Allah Almighty to change the destiny of our country and the Muslim Ummah!!!!!! He is the owner of the land, He brings the living out of the dead.  And  He gives without reckoning. But before that we have to abide by the principles H­e has made and that is the name of  actions on the basis of which decisions are made in the sight of Allah.Therefore, these blessed moments of Ramadhan must not be wasted at all. No one can say whether he/she could see the Ramadhan again. May Allah bless us with the benefits of Ramadhan- Aameen!!!

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The Milestone
Articles: 107

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