Khutbaat: Imaan

– Tufail Ahmed (B.Tech. Petroleum, AMU)


Khutbaat is the collection of public addresses given by Sayyid Abul A’la Mawdudi in Pathankot to the local villagers around 1938. Maulana tries to explain the true message, the fundamental concepts, and the spirit of Islam in simple words. ‘Khutbaat’ is divided into five parts. The book review of the first part Imaan is before you.

Book review:

In this part, Maulana explores the meaning of Imaan, its definition, and the responsibilities of accepting the Kalimah, and the differences between a Muslim and a Kafir.

Islam means submission to and obedience to Allah. To entrust ourselves completely to Allah is Islam. A person who is unaware of the difference between Islam and kufr is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness. But if we are blessed with the true light of knowledge we will be able to see the clear path of Islam at every step of our lives.

He then proves that Islam is not a birthright; a Muslim does not become truly a Muslim simply because he is born a Muslim. Rather, a man is a Muslim because he follows Islam. Islam is not a race or a family in which membership is automatically passed on from father to son. For example, Ibraheem (عليه السلام) was born into the home of an idolator, but he came to know Allah and obeyed him. The son of Nuh ( عليه السلام) was born into a Prophet’s home and he did not obey Allah.

The difference between a kafir and a Muslim is not because of their different names like Kartar Singh and Abdullah respectively, but because of the difference in knowledge and actions. Whoever will understand the message of Islam and follow accordingly is a Muslim, No matter what the name is.

Maulana mentions that Kalimah Tayyibah is like a noble tree, whose roots are firmly fixed in the earth whose branches reach the sky; and all the while it continues to yield abundant fruits. On the other hand- False beliefs, unislamic ideologies, and the wrong methodologies are said to be Kalimah Khabeesahh, which is like a self-seeded plant growing in poor, shallow earth and easily plucked out with a single pull. Kalimah Tayyibah teaches Godhood and that sovereignty belongs to none but Allah, whereas Kalimah Khabeesah teaches that either there is no Allah or that someone else is in addition. The same contrast is found between consequences. Kalimah Tayyibah produces sweet fruits: peace, truth, justice dominates, and people benefit accordingly. And the fruits of Kalimah Khabeesah are bitter and poisonous. We can see with our own eyes when kufr, idolatry, or secularism prevails- man is bent on destruction, nations are set on destroying each other, the weak are cowed by the armies and police, jailing and executions become common. The individuals’ morals are so depraved that even Satan would be ashamed. Human dignity and rights are trampled upon. Abortion, wife swapping are being practiced, and so on. All these are because of following Kalimah Khabeesah instead of Kalimah Tayyibah.

Maulana also recognizes why our condition is not good today, why our necks are in the grip of Kuffar, why our heads are now bowed before human beings, why our honor is being trampled upon. This is because there is something wrong with our claim to be Muslims. Maulana highlights a blunder- the irreverence and misuse of the Qur’an we do. We use Qur’an in keeping it in our houses to drive away jinns and ghosts, reading its contents without comprehending their meaning in the hope of receiving some reward. But the Qur’an was sent to men to read, understand, act upon it, and, with its help establish Allah’s rule on the earth. The Qur’an came to grant us dignity and power.

Maulana gives an example of Israelities with the reference of the Qur’an to illustrate that our humiliation is because of ignoring Allah’s book. Israelites were given the Tawrah and the Injeel and were told: “Had they established the Towrah and the Gospel and what was sent to them by their lord, they would surely have partaken of all the blessings from above them and beneath their feet.” (Al Maidah:66)

But they adopted wrong attitudes towards these books, and reaped the consequences:

“An ignominy and helplessness were led upon them, and they were laden with the burden of Allah’s anger. That, because they used to disbelieve Allah’s message and slay the prophets against all right; that, because they disobeyed and were transgressors.” (Al-Baqarah 2:61)

Now, If we possess Allah’s book and still live in disgrace and subjugation, we are surely being punished. The only way to save ourselves from Allah’s anger is to turn back from this grave sin and start trying to render ourselves according to His book. Until we adopt this method, our condition will never change—even if we open colleges in each and every village, all our children graduate from universities, and we amass millions and billions of different means.!!

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The Milestone
Articles: 101

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