Identity Crisis

The ongoing crisis in our country for all the residents is a desperate cry for help. But before a solution can be put forth what needs to be understood is the actual problem of the crisis at hand. As far as an over wide national perspective is concerned, we see two major nations struggling for the sustenance of what we call an identity. An identity which defines their socio-cultural existence in the present times. One of the two nations is the Hindu majority, which as far as political dominance is concerned has established supremacy but still finds it difficult to persuade a section of its own people to be proud of the 5,000-year-old civilization.They use all the means at their disposal to achieve their long dreamt goal of a country built on such cultural notions and might even succeed. The slogans used to attract the common masses were no different than which were always used in history to instigate the passions and fuel their aspirations for one common identity. These slogans or deceptive catchphrases are shown every night on television debates asking the masses to embrace their long-lost glory i.e., times before the ‘foreign invasions’ into the beloved motherland. For this purpose, these right-wing ideologues wanted a common enemy so to centralize their ideas, an enemy which still had some influence on the country’s destiny. The so-called secularists had been defeated by their own greed and dug a grave for themselves in this war of ideologies. The only target which could serve as a common enemy for them were Muslims and Islam. Thus began the process of a nation built on a common civilization, geographical territory,language and enemy, all in order to unite the millions and entice them to the idea of nationhood [Rashtra]. The major drawback with this call was that, it has no true sense of existence but is rather an emotional drive to embrace ancestral legacy and that is all to it and nothing more neither eternal benefits nor any mission of existence. A very well-suited example for this call is that of a dog chasing a vehicle for no true purpose at all.

On the other hand, the nation which is in the same crisis of identity as before but is more pitiful than that, for the simple reason that this Muslim Ummah is the bearer of the word of the Lord of all worlds and which serves as a witness for it over the entire humanity, acts as evidence for our call to be the only truth and right path.

The reason Muslims are being targeted in the name of beef, Adhaan, Hijab, etc. is due to their inability to be transparent as far as their role and identity as a nation is concerned.The Muslims residing in India have always been asked to prove their loyalty to the country because of their universal identity and have always adopted an apologetic, cowardice attitude towards this issue. Why did not our religious leaders give a straight forward response to what exactly our role and identity is. Why did they not tell that we area worldwide Ummah, a part of which resides in India and our role is divine in its nature. When questioned about freedom to practice religion, why was our answer limited to an amendable constitution of India but not in view of a non-amendable constitution i.e., the word of God, the Holy Quran. Muslims will always be bugged with questions on national heroes, priorities as regards to religion or country, neighboring countries and our attitude towards them so on and so forth. Unless given a true honest answer based entirely on idealistic Islamic approach rather than hiding behind nationalism, secularism and realism no good shall be expected. Rest assured no improvement in our current condition can be foreseen, nor can we expect any mercy from the all Merciful for we alone would be responsible for our condition as Quran explicitly mentions all the bad that befalls is due to our own misdeeds.

To sum up, these two nations are soon to clash with each other, and God alone has full knowledge of what holds in the future for us, but if we do not do justice to the role and mission given us by God, the end result will be a painful torment in this world and the Hereafter. May God have mercy upon us, to Him alone do we ask for help, for He alone is our Wali and He alone is our Naser.

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The Milestone
Articles: 107

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