Dignity at Stake (Mar 2022)

– Maaz Ahmed Javed (M.Tech. AMU)

Modesty (Haya) is human nature. Shamelessness is the result of insubordination from the temperament of nature. Therefore, Islam, which is a religion of nature, has given modesty an important place to life. Prophet ﷺ said- “Modesty is one of the branches of faith.” (Sahih Muslim 35b).

Islam guarantees respect and esteem for men as well as for women. Modesty, morality and chastity are the important characteristics of the system which Islam has given to human society. On the other hand, the present civilization and all its champions are creating a society in the name of women’s rights and women’s liberation where there is no place for the bird of modesty. This society seems to be incapable of giving women its natural place. In such a society, a woman is considered to be accursed by heaven even if she lays down everything for the satisfaction and pleasure of the man. The champions of modernity is actually working on the evil agenda of nudity, pornography and using catchy slogans to seduce a woman. Whereas, the Qur’an warns the believers about Satan, “…and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. He only orders you to evil and immorality… ” (Quran – 2:168)

History proves that whenever a society follows Islamic values, woman not only gains dignity, but also if any of the enemies of Islam tries to snatch the veil of modesty, he meets with a crushing defeat.

This war of modesty and shamelessness, which started from Karnataka’s Udupi district, has gained a global status. The incident started when some school girls decided not to take off their hijab against the instructions of the school administration. As a result, they were barred from sitting in the classroom. Instead of resolving the matter amicably, the ruling elites extended it as an opportunity. Promptly students wearing saffron veils were seen protesting in different parts of Karnataka demanding if Muslim students were free to wearing hijab, they would also wear saffron veils. Meanwhile, citing a statement issued by the Karnataka Education Minister, some educational institutions stopped the burqa-clad students at the gate, saying that they were allowed to enter with uniforms only. The court also temporarily banned wearing hijab. Those who are aware of the temperament, intentions and ambitions of falsehood know that this is not a unique method. All institutions, from the rulers to the judiciary, are working towards this goal. In India, a land of thousands of years of Islamic traditions, the burqa-clad woman of Islamic values ​​is not a new thing. Islam introduced the concept of the veil of modesty which is still seen in some places in Hindu society. Otherwise, before Islam, Hindu women were won or lost in gambling or being ‘sati’ with their husband’s corpse. Far from the right to cover their face, they did not even have the right to cover their upper oy parts in some places. Religion gave men the right to beat women like drums. Instead of expressing gratitude for the benevolence of Islam, Sangh, a representative of Hindu sentiments, and their followers want to deprive Muslim women in the name of education. The intentions of the Sangh are not hidden from anyone. We know that they are fully prepared to sever the ties of Muslims with Islamic civilization, education and history. Whether it is the practice of imposing polytheistic beliefs through ‘Surya Namaskar’ and Yoga, modifying textbooks and sabotaging education through recruitment of sanghi minded people in Muslim institutions or banning ‘Triple Talaq’ and enforcing the Uniform Civil Code. The rising tide is showing that its destination, the Hindu Rashtra, is not far away. And it will soon shed the mask of religious freedom and democratic traditions.

We know that the Jews who were bound by the Medina Charter also tried to humiliate a Muslim woman by pulling her veil. But a man with Islamic honor killed that devil and kept the lodge of Islamic rites veiled. This small incident gained an important place in history when the Muslims crushed the shallow deed of the Jews and expelled them from Madinah. It turned out that Muslims never tolerated mocking or tampering with a woman’s veil.

The manner in which the intolerant people of Karnataka have provoked this issue even in the recent incident is commendable. In particular, the incident came to a head when one of our veiled sisters raised her voice in front of the Sanghi group and openly expressed her Islamic pride. This act was lauded by almost all different ideological circles.

We must also remember that Hijab is our culture, our tradition and our dignity. Hijab is modesty and modesty is faith. A believing servant can gladly sacrifice his life and property. But faith is its most precious possession. He cannot think of giving it up at any cost. Those who are pioneer of obscenity and nudity should listen carefully to the fact that if they try to eradicate this Islamic rite, then zeal of Muslims may rise again to make a new history. Insha’Allah

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The Milestone
Articles: 107

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