– Dr. Farrukh Adnan There are followers of different religions in the world, and all of them believe that the religion they are following is the right one. The biggest…
– Dr. Farrukh Adnan There are followers of different religions in the world, and all of them believe that the religion they are following is the right one. The biggest…
– Ahmed Osama Jafri (Dip. Comp. Engg, AMU) We will start with clarifying a few things about “Islam” and “Humanity” which are two words used the most in today’s world.…
– Ahmed Osama Jafri (Dip. Comp. Engg, AMU) Among the three greatest and most influential civilizations of the present time, i.e., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the respected and noble personality…
– Saffana Kamal For a M…
– Dr. Yahya Khan (F.Y.M.D. KEM Hospital, Mumbai) Many nations boast of the notion of “unity in diversity”. India is no different from all such nations and is the forbearer…
– Mohammed Azam (B.Tech. CSE, AMU) Recently, there has been an increase in things of everyday use with certain marks of Blue, White, and Red stripes or colors (Sometimes Black,…
– Osama Azeem Falahi (Ph.D. Punjab University) Collectivity is an essential part of human existence. The smallest community in the world is formed through marriage and its largest form is…
– Farrukh Adnan Youth is the backbone of any nation as this is the stage when all kinds of strengths and abilities begin to flourish in a person. They play…
– Bilal Hasan (M.Lib.Sc., AMU) Many of you might have come across this striped flag. You might have seen some social media page or a celebrity promoting it. If you…
While Fasting is the best way…