Bhagwa Love Trap

– Sahir Farid

What is Bhagwa Love Trap (BLT)?

The Bhagwa Love Trap (BLT) is alleged to be a premeditated scheme orchestrated by Hindutva organizations to deceive and betray Muslim girls. Groups such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), and their youth wings are reportedly training Hindu boys to seduce Muslim girls. These boys are provided with jobs, housing, and money to facilitate these deceptive relationships. They are trained in Urdu language and Muslim culture to better appeal to Muslim girls. Those who succeed in seducing a Muslim girl are allegedly rewarded with substantial sums of money.

These boys form friendships and romantic relationships with Muslim girls, often leading to illegal sexual relations and even marry these girls. However, the relationships eventually turn abusive, with the girls being beaten, harassed, and sometimes sold to prostitution rings or bar centers. The ultimate goal of this trap is said to be the destruction of Muslim girls’ lives and the weakening of the Muslim community. According to an unconfirmed 2022 survey, eight lakh (800,000) Muslim girls married Hindu boys.

Warning to the Muslim Community

Muslim girls need to be aware of this trap and cautious of such Hindu boys in society. The Muslim community should acknowledge this issue and find ways to protect their daughters from such deceitful schemes.

Bhagwa Love Trap, a new and potentially dangerous method to destroy the Muslim community

1. Religious Guidance

The Quran explicitly advises against marrying idolaters. Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 221, states:

“And do not give your women in marriage to idolaters until they believe: a believing slave is certainly better than an idolater, even though he may please you. Such people call [you] to the Fire, while God calls [you] to the Garden and forgiveness by His leave.”

Surah At-Tawba, verse 28, reinforces:

“O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean.”

These verses should be instilled in our children from an early age, teaching them about shirk (polytheism) and Tawhid (the oneness of God). Children should be educated about basic Islamic values and etiquette. The Quran makes it clear that a believer and a non-believer cannot marry, as marriage is not just a physical relationship but one with deep social, moral, and emotional implications. Interfaith marriages should be avoided, and children should be brought up in an Islamic environment, understanding the boundaries of Mahram (permissible relations) and non-Mahram (non-permissible relations). They should be discouraged from unnecessary interactions with the opposite gender and should be taught to honor Islamic values, love their culture, and respect their religion.

2. Education and Faith

Islam emphasizes learning and provides opportunities for both boys and girls to excel in various fields of education. Despite the challenges posed by Islamophobia, such as hijab bans, restrictions on religious practices, and discrimination based on religion and caste, Muslim students should remain steadfast in their faith. Their Imaan (faith) should always be a priority, and modesty is an essential part of Imaan.

Muslim girls are encouraged to study well, learn the Qur’an, Hadith, and various sciences. An African proverb aptly states, “If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.” Educated girls are the builders of the nation, and a well- educated girl benefits both her family and her community.

3. A Message to Muslim Girls

Dear daughters of Hawwa (Eve), pursue your education, learn, grow, and dream big. But never compromise your faith and Imaan for worldly pleasures or status. Recognize and avoid the traps of evil and protect your dignity and faith for the sake of Allah.

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The Milestone
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