Takeaways from an Unending War

– Zameer Yameen

Since 7th Oct an armed conflict has erupted between Israel and Palestine (Hamas). Some learnings that we can take away from this unending war are as follows:


As a Muslim, it is the part of our Aqeedah that the nations have been formed just for identification and not for any division or discrimination, as Allah says in the Quran: “O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may get to know one another.” (49:13). The ongoing combat is between Israel and Palestine in which the former group has not been recognized globally as a nation and the latter nation is not involved as a whole but a group of armed forces has been on the front line defending their interests. And hence no nation is completely involved.

As we know that the concerned land is sacred for all the three Abrahamic religions. And to capture the same, there has been a conflict for centuries. But we should also keep in mind that the Jews have been in state of grave envy towards Muslims from the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and hence Qur’an declares that “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah;” (5:82)

Accordingly, we can infer that the Jews are fighting for the land, but it is backed by their envy for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam and is driven by their anger against the same. Whereas on the other side, the brave, courageous and selfless people of Gaza are not just giving their lives for the sake of their land or nation but in protection of their faith and in testimony of being a true believer. Hence, we should avoid attributing them just as freedom fighters because they are much more. Also, this conflict is the matter of the whole Ummah and not just of the people staying in that region.

Tensions flare as Israeli police enter Al-Aqsa Mosque again | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

The land near Al Aqsa Mosque has religious significance for three religions viz. Judaism, Christianity & Islam


A believer doesn’t put all his trust only on material preparations but puts it in Allah in every situation whether favorable or unfavorable. And the selfless people and children of Gaza have demonstrated it several times. Severely wounded and helpless men, women and children can be seen glorifying and testifying to the one and only lord of the universe, Allah. This has only been possible because of their firm belief and persistence, as Allah says in the Qur’an: “Those who were warned, Your enemies have mobilized their forces against you, so fear them,” the warning only made them grow stronger in faith and they replied, “Allah alone is sufficient as an aid for us He is the best Protector.” (3:173)

The warnings of the forces of the Israel, US, UK, etc. have only increased faith of the people of Gaza in Allah, who alone is sufficient. Also, the international community who claim themselves as the savior and guardians of the humanity have been mere spectators and the Arab nations being another mockery. Hence the Muslim Ummah must be cautious and need not be dependent on any nation, forum, union, association for their alms of support and mercy. Instead, the Ummah should understand that it is their own duty and responsibility to defend themselves from persecution and should be prepared in all possible ways, no matter how small, weak, without sufficient resources it could be, we should always keep in mind that Allah has bestowed an enormous strength the believers resistance. And the Qur’an testifies it: “How many times has a small force vanquished a mighty army by the Will of Allah! And Allah is always with the steadfast.” (2:249)

Israeli jets bomb Gaza as resistance drives out troops from Jenin

International community’s inability to stop Israel from committing war-crimes has only increased the faith of the people of Gaza in Allah


Islam has emphasized a lot on making an Emir/leader in its teachings even in day to day affairs. Its magnitude can be felt from the rule that the Khalifa cannot be buried until the new Khalifa is appointed upon the Ummah so that the Ummah should not be without a leader even for a single moment. But alas! The Ummah has been without a leader for nearly a century. A leader is crucial because he safeguards his subjects from any chaos or dispute and helps in gathering them for combat arising at any given time. “Have you not seen those chiefs of the Children of Israel after Moses? They said to one of their Prophets, “Appoint for us a king, and we will fight in the cause of Allah.” (2:246)

Hence, we should strive and find a leader or should train ourselves to be able to lead the Ummah in the right direction. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to work for it and should pray that Allah may grant us with a righteous Khalifa, because without being under a single leader, the Ummah will be persecuted all around the world like what we’re witnessing today and won’t be able to bounce back and defend itself. It is also to be noted that the results are in the hands of Allah SWT and He is the most wise and supreme. Our responsibility is just to put in our efforts to the fullest and He will surely make better out of it In Sha Allah. We pray that Allah grants us the courage and bravery like the children of Gaza and make them successful in this world and in the hereafter, Ameen.

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